ID: 344
Adress: Quai d'Oran / Quai de Marseille,
FR - 59100 Roubaix
Date: 2012 - 2012
Client: Conseil général - Département du Nord
Author(s): Atelier d'architecture Pierre Hebbelinck
Partners: Hart Berteloot AAT/ BE Seca / MEIC / Inddigo
Surface area: 7905 m²

Transformation and new construction for a college.

The implementation of future college along a tree-lined canal, landscaping element serving as a link to the urban development of the neighborhood. It is at the hinge with a dense habitat area of weak gauges and traditional brick architecture of the area. The plot itself has great potential both by the remarkable tree situated in its center and by the buildings of the old brewery farm. The project proposes to generate, through the richness of this environment, a teaching tool that would draw a part of its substance both in its functioning and in its pedagogical potential. It contributes to the quality of education and same time increases the quality of living for schoolchildren and local residents.